Tom is one of those classic aviation guys. He’s seen a lot over the years beginning with his time in the US Army as a Crew Chief. Currently he has over 9,000 hours with most of that being around tailwheels and gliders. He has his Commercial AMEL, AMES, ASEL, ASES, and Glider as well as his CFI, CFII, MEI, and CFI-G. He was previously a DPE and used to fly a Beech 18 on straight floats. He has owned several planes including a Luscombe and a Lake LA-4-200. Tom is one of our key instructors and enjoys flying around Northwestern Montana any chance he can get.
Perry has a long history with the backcountry, especially the Bob Marshall Wilderness after a career with Fish and Wildlife . He is a Commercial ASEL, ASES, AMES, and rotor as well as a CFI, CFI-H, CFII, and MEI. He has over 5,700 hours experience and is a float and wheeled plane Designated Pilot Examiner. Perry is also building a Piper Bushmaster which he's planning to put on floats and wheel skis.
Rod is our Director of Operations and charter pilot with a wealth of experience in the aviation industry. His journey began in 1996 as a flight instructor, eventually transitioning to a cargo/charter pilot in Spokane. Eager for new adventures, Rod ventured to Alaska where he honed his skills in seaplane operations in the beautiful surroundings of Ketchikan. Two years later Rod returned to the Lower 48 to fly cargo for Fed Ex. Currently he is the Chief Flight instructor at Parkwater Aviation which is the leading training facility for the Kodiak 100. Rod is rated in Commercial: AMEL, AMES, ASEL, ASES, along with his CFI, CFII and an A&P license.
Terry has been flying since 1991 when she first received her private pilots certificate. She soon learned tailwheel and float flying in the San Francisco Bay and gained more experience flying in the Sierra Mountains and Foothills. In 1998 she bought NorCal Aviation, a float flying service in Angels Camp, CA. For 15 years students received instruction for single and multi-engine seaplane ratings, advance floatplane, and mountain training. During this time Terry was also active as a DPE. Terry is rated in ATP: AMEL/AMES/ASEL and holds a commercial ASES and private Glider. She is also a gold seal CFI, MEI and active FAA FAASTTeam Representative. Terry enjoys working with the youth and is active with the Young Eagles program.
Kevin started flying for the US Navy immediately after graduating the University of Southern California. After retiring from a 28-year career in the US Navy, he flew for the airlines before choosing semi-retired family life in North Idaho. He has extensive high altitude mountain flying experience as well as aerobatics, formation, and instrument flying & instruction. He holds Flight Instructor certifications for Airplane Single & Multi-engine, Rotorcraft Helicopter, and Instrument Airplane & Helicopter. Kevin has over 6000 hours in over 50 different type of aircraft and has provided over 2500 hours of dual instruction given.
Jeff is our Chief Pilot and loves showing off his favorite parts of Montana. Jeff started flying at the age of 16 and completed his Private license after his 17th birthday. After graduating from the University of North Dakota with a degree in Aeronautical Studies and a degree in Computer Science, Jeff came to Montana on a ski trip and never left. When Jeff isn't flying he can be found floating on our pristine rivers and enjoying the backcountry.